Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Yesterday the rolling green hills, er, mountains gave way to the endless green pastures of horse country Kentucky. We skipped through Tennessee on a route that seemed to be a slot cut through the mountains. A beautiful drive that, even though it rained on us,  brought us to the Kentucky Horse Farm campground. Rain stopped and has been beautiful since. This is a very large campground completely landscaped with grass and trees. The only thing paved are the pads and the access roads. You can walk to the Horse Farm, but we chose to drive. The Horse Farm has several arenas for different horsey events, as well as several barns, a couple of museums and some shows. We went to the Hall of Champions where we were shown several retired race horses. After that we went to the Horses of the World barn where horse breeds (there are a few hundred) I've never heard of were trotted out. Then we took in the International Museum of the Horse with exhibits that present the history of the horse starting prehistorically. The horse originated in North America, but for an unknown reason was decimated. They were reintroduced with the discovery of America and, of course, have flourished. Several famous horses are buried on the grounds, the most famous being Man O' War. When most race horses are buried only the head, heart and feet are buried. The head for their intelligence, the heart for their courage  and their feet for their speed. Man O' War was buried whole. His gait was measured at 28 feet. Took me 16 paces to match it.

We had planned to check out at least one of the local distilleries of Kentucky bourbon, but Rob's phone died. Instead we found a Verizon store to see if they could help. We weren't able to resuscitate it so Rob is now the proud owner of a Droid, same number. We switched our hot spot to my phone so we can access the internet when there's no wifi. It's not strong enough to load pictures. They will have to wait.

Tomorrow we're off to visit my cousins, Chips and Jeannie in the north, near Cincinatti. We'll be drycamping on their farm. Dusty can't wait to be free of the leash.

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