Saturday, May 19, 2012

Limping along to Vermont has given us an opportunity to really enjoy the scenery. Rolling hills packed with endless expanses of hardwood trees dotted with occasional stands of firs and pines all leafed out in varying shades of green and here and there farms of all sizes carving out pastures and homesteads. Not hard to imagine the colorful display fall brings. We had reservations at an RV park in Vermont just south of Bennington in the Green Mountains. We opted to take a scenic route which was slower since we went through some small towns and didn't collect miles of other vehicles trailing along behind. In deciding on a prospective RV site we consult a website where other campers leave their impressions and recomendations of parks they've stayed out. That's how we picked the one in Oneanta. We approached the new park with a little trepidation, especially after the paved road ran out and we found ourselves following a dirt path through a forest. This time we lucked out. The forest opened up to a beautiful glade with a small pond in the middle and campsites surrounding the pond as well as hidden up in the trees and the park was relatively empty. That soon changed as the weekend approached, but it is still fairly empty. While we're here we'll do some birding and maybe, if it doesn't rain take a trip up to the marble area a bit north of Bennington. Just a quick trip around Bennington revealed many old buildings making use of local marble. Today we did visit the first church established in Vermont. Of note, is the grave of Robert Frost in the church's cemetary...many graves from the early 1700's are of Revolutionary War soldiers.
Looking across the pond at our coach.

Vermont's first church - Congregationalist.

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