Thursday, May 17, 2012

One night in Erie turned into two since Rob spent one entire day either underneath the motorhome or running into town for another tool. Kevin, at Country Coach, asked Rob to see if he could locate the part number so he could verify which cooler we might need. In his search for the number, by crawling under the coach he found some broken bolts and missing nuts on the charge air cooler so set out on a mission to replace them with the hope that that would solve our lack of power. Not so easy to do due to the placement of the bolts. We decided to stay the extra night since it was too late to head out by the time he finished his project. Turns out there were thunderstorm/hail advisories on the route we were to take so all in all it was a good idea.
Got an early start this morning anxious to see if the repairs made any difference in the power.  Nope! The power rating which should be 20 - 40 is down around 11-12.  Another call to Kevin to start the order/shipping process. He confirmed the part is in stock and will be shipped today to Maine.

We were doing okay until we had to go over some of the plentiful hills. Not only was it somewhat hilly, but New York has decided to repair their roads and many stretches are limited to one lane in our direction. At one point we had about 30 not-so-happy drivers trailing along behind us at 25 MPH in 2nd gear. Still, we made pretty good time and bypassed a couple of rv parks we had identified as potential overnighters. Finally landed in Oneonta, NY. This will be a one night stand. I'd call it sort of a red-neck RV park.

One of our neighbors....We're not sure if this is a result of an accident or if they planned it this way.
Time for a glass of wine! Tomorrow we'll breeze through the rest of New York for a three or four night stay just south of Bennington, Vermont.  Then we'll be off to Scarborough, Maine to await the arrival of a new charge air cooler. Cummins is already set to install it.  We may make it to the Maritime Provinces yet.

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